Every (logged) qoute made on nash1.neocities.org 8/7/2022 "I made odd noises as a child. Just did weird things, like turn off light switches twice. I think my parents thought I had Tourette's syndrome" - Johnny Depp 9/7/2022 "I have a weird definition of family; it's not the same as everyone else's" - Lil Peep 10/7/2022 "There's a lot of crazy, weird people out there. It's an ugly world" - Ben Affleck 11/7/2022 "Friends should always tell you the truth. But please dont" - Louis C. K 14/7/2022 "Fuck the internet" - Post Malone 15/7/2022 "Write something, even if it's just a suicide note." - Gore Vidal 16/7/2022 "I dont care if you are different just shut up" - me 25/7/2022 "I know it sounds weird, but how bad, how hard can dying be?" - Cher 30/7/2022 "“Almost everything strange washes up near Miami. ” ― Rick Riordan itch.io/profile/nash1